Mula Bandha Step By Step with Adarsh Williams
Sunday, 28 November • 10:00 - 13:00
Bhumi Yoga Shala
Maxi Meissner
Mula Bandha Step-By-Step

Have you felt confused by Mula Bandha? It’s not surprising! Mula Bandha is subtle, relating to the vital energy system (prana), and many struggle with the mechanism of engagement. Luckily, there are numerous pre-yoga (kriya) techniques which help to awaken your insight and more definitively apply the root lock in your practice. Physically, MB relates to your stability system, essential in proper alignment, strength output, flexibility, and injury-proofing the body.

In this workshop, you will learn the Mula Bandha, step-by-step, dissect the anatomy of MB, and apply this to physical yoga postures, as well as internal breath and meditation:
4 Bandha muscles
Breath Bandha connection
Applying MB in asana
Progress in jump back/through

Workshop format:

30 minutes - Explanation or Mula Bandha, Exercises to sense MB, Stability, Internal Pressure
105 minutes - Applying MB in Primary & Intermediate postures
30 minutes - MB during pranayama and meditation, conclusion, Q&A

Workshops with Adarsh provide foundation training in traditional Ashtanga Yoga, including breath, movement, and meditation, in a fun, non-dogmatic environment, striving to make the practice relevant for modern yogis.

More about Adarsh:
Adarsh Williams is an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher (KPJAYI - 2), Yoga Alliance teacher trainer (E- RYT 500), Mobility Specialist (TRS - L2), and founder of Monterey Yoga in California. With a diverse experience in the wellness field and over twenty years of professional experience, Adarsh has helped organizations and individuals develop programs around the world. He has led retreats and trained teachers in Europe, Middle East, US, and Asia.

A direct student of Pattabhi Jois, Adarsh received Authorization in 2004 and has completed numerous certifications with luminaries such as Richard Freeman & John Scott in yoga, and Dr. Kelly Starrett in physiotherapy.

Highly regarded for his sensitive, yet deep hands-on style, Adarsh has experience working with a wide variety of students of diverse abilities, ages, and backgrounds. With a deeply held belief that anyone can develop a personal yoga practice, he is an energetic teacher who infuses his enthusiasm for practice and hard work in others.

Now based in Groningen, Netherlands, Adarsh teaches, writes and produces online courses. His YouTube channel has become a popular resource in the fitness community and has led to the release of two feature-length instructional videos, Smart Stretch: Active Isolated Stretching & Ashtanga Yoga: Strength, Mobility, Skill.