General terms of CatherineLouiseYoga

CatherineLouiseYoga prices, terms and conditions are subject to change.

Payments & Bookings

Advance class bookings and 6 Class Pass purchases should be completed online using Momoyoga, accessible through the CatherineLouiseYoga website here: In order to guarantee class space, a complete advance booking must be made, including payment via bank transfer or selecting to pay in correct cash value at the studio. Reservations can also be facilitated by phone, text or email and walk-in registration is available, subject to class space.
To register as a CatherineLouiseYoga Yoga student you must be at least 18 years of age. Students under the age of 18 are required to provide written consent from a parent and/or legal guardian. Registration details provided must be correct and complete.
The 6 Class Pass is valid for all CatherineLouiseYoga classes at Rosieglo Yoga Space and expires 8 weeks after the purchase date.

Attending Class
All students are required to complete a waiver/consent form in order to register as a CatherineLouiseYoga student. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start time of your first class to allow time for completion.
Students must arrive at least five minutes prior to the beginning of class. Latecomers will not always be permitted.
Students who arrive late for a class for which they have registered will not be issued a refund for that class.
Prior to the start of class, students are required to inform the instructor of any issues or relevant physical issues.

Class Cancellation
Registration in a given class may only be cancelled and/or changed if the cancellation/change is completed a minimum of 2 hours prior to the beginning of that class. Cancellations and changes should be completed through CatherineLouiseYoga Online system provided by Momoyoga.
Cancellations or class changes made less than 2 hours prior to the beginning of class are invalid and students will be charged full price for any registered classes that they miss or fail to cancel within the required time.
On occasion, teachers may be substituted at short notice; in such cases the cancellation policy still applies.

Risk & Responsibility
CatherineLouiseYoga does not accept responsibility for students who do not follow the class instructions as provided by the teacher. Any medical or physical conditions, recent or persistent injuries, or relevant disclosures must be made by students to the teacher prior to the beginning of class. Prior to, during, or after class, it is the responsibility of students to inform the teacher if they are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

CatherineLouiseYoga Yoga reserves the right to change the terms & conditions as well as prices at any time. Significant changes will be indicated by notice on the CatherineLouiseYoga Yoga website. If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact CatherineLouiseYoga Yoga.

For general terms and conditions of Rosieglo Yoga Space, please visit: