Aromaterapi för hälsa och välbefinnande
Saturday, 25 May • 10:00 - 15:30
Daniela Schutt
Varmt välkommen till mig på DinBalans. Jag jobbar med Yoga sedan 20 år och mitt mål är att sprida bättre mående både i kroppen och själen hos alla som kommer till mig.
The incredible world of essential oils and their natural
fragrances and healing properties have been part of my life for many
years and i want to share my knowledge with you .

Learn how to use and the therapeutic powers and fragrant delights of
essential oils and Aromatherapy in a safe and simple and enjoyable

The Essential oils we will introduce you to on the course are derived
from the purest botanical essences and are use in combination with
Aromatherapy to raise the spirits and heal body and mind .
By harvesting huge quantities of fragrant flowers and distilling them
down to their essences , some of natures purest substances are

What you will learn:
• Basics of aromatherapy
• What are essential oils, what are their properties and application
• Health and safety at the use of essential oils
-how to use essential oils at home for your personal use and family
-how to use essential oils for your BEAUTY rituals, recipes for home made scrub/cream etc.

SUNDAY: going deeper
• How to use essential oils in your own practice
• How to use essential oils while doing yoga and other forms of physical recreation
• How to apply essential oils in the practice of relaxation
• How to use aromatherapy to affect the psycho-physical state
• How to create an atomosphere and which essential oils to use
• You will learn about various forms of relaxation and work with emotions

Why essential oils?

Natural essential oils are the essence of nature. Each drop is a valuable elixir obtained from parts of plants, flowers, leaves, bark or peel. Used for centuries in the form of a home medicine cabinet. Essential oils are not only beautiful fragrances but a great knowledge which, if used properly, can improve the state of health and help our psycho-physical state

Each participant will have the opportunity to apply essential oils in practice.
They would work on essential oils of therapeutic quality KASIA RAW.Essential oils are 100% natural and meet the European Union's standard of safety.

Priser för kursen inklusive material och oljor: 1700:-
Just nu: Early Bird 1400:-
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