General terms of Ellen Mara Yoga

I firmly believe that yoga is for everyone. However, when you’re practicing via a live stream, it is up to you to assess whether the class is suitable for you. I always encourage practicing slowly and in a considered way, building up strength and flexibility slowly, and never rushing into anything new. The practice might leave you feeling tired but it should never leave you in pain so don’t push or strain. If you’re injured, ill or have any long-term conditions you should always consult a doctor before you start practising. And if you’re pregnant please ask me if the practice is suitable before you start the class. And for everyone regardless of whether you’re injured or not, it is up to you to gauge the safety of your practice and to never exceed your physical limitations.

As is the case with all exercise programmes you should consult your doctor before you start. I accept no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing in our classes, online or otherwise - by joining the class you assent to this.