General terms of Jodi BarreYoga

As class sizes are limited, we strongly recommend you pre-book online or via Jodi BarreYoga to reserve your place.
If you book a class and can’t make it, please log in to change or cancel your booking.
If you are absent or cancel within 6 hours of the class start time you will be charged for the class, as it often means another client is unable to attend. Early cancels (before 6 hours) will put the class pass back on your Jodi BarreYoga account to use at another time.

Liability Waiver : Before booking your classes, You should always consult your physician before changing your diet or starting an exercise program.

By booking your classes you:

I understand that there may be a risk of injury associated with participating and using Jodi BarreYoga.

I hereby assume full responsibility for any and all injuries, losses and damages that I incur while attending, exercising or participating in Jodi BarreYoga. I hereby waive all claims against Jodi BarreYoga, its instructors, or partners of individually or otherwise, for any and all injuries, claims or damages that I might incur.

I am aware of the possible health and safety risks associated with participating in
physical exercise and consent to any reasonable exercise, which may from time to time be strenuous.

I have made Jodi BarreYoga aware of any relevant medical or health problems that currently or likely to suffer from and have obtained a clearance from a registered medical practitioner to participate in physical exercise.