General terms of Kaaya Yoga

Health and Safety: The instructor is not liable for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur during the class. Students must inform the instructor of any health conditions or injuries before the class and follow instructions to avoid exacerbating them.

Attendance: Students are expected to arrive on time and stay for the entire class to avoid disrupting the session. If a student needs to leave early, they should inform the instructor before the class.

Etiquette: Students are expected to maintain a quiet and respectful environment during the class, refrain from using cell phones, and avoid wearing strong perfumes or scents that may disturb other students.

Payments and Refunds: Students must pay the agreed-upon fee before the class begins, and refunds are not usually given for missed or canceled classes.

Cancellation: The instructor reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the class due to unforeseen circumstances, and students will be notified as soon as possible.