
1008 Main Street, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482

Where is One Soul located?
We are located at 1008 Main Street in Sulphur Springs, TX. Please note that we are located in a white house. GPS sometimes directs to our old location at 521 Main Street (there is still a sign there).

Where do I park?
We have plenty of parking in the front of our studio and along the west side driveway. We recommend parking parallel in the front of the building facing the west side for easier access in and out. Please do not park along the east side driveway--this is for entering and exiting only and instructor parking (and may block our neighbors in as we share that driveway).

What are the benefits of yoga?
There are many benefits of yoga. First, you will gain flexibility and strength. You will also learn to use your breath to your advantage (calming, relaxation).
improves balance
helps alleviate back pain
can ease joint and muscular pain/tension
lowers blood pressure
practiced regularly can help with weight loss
helps you relax and get a better night of sleep
brings you energy and a better mood
helps you manage stress and anxiety
helps improve athletic performance
improves posture
connects you with like-minded people

I have never tried yoga. Where do I start?
Yoga meets you where you are, meaning that no matter your skill level, you can do yoga! We recommend that you take a look at the class descriptions that we offer and see what interests you. Most of our classes are for mixed levels, which are fine for complete beginners. We often offer variations to our yoga asanas (poses) for all levels. We also recommend that you purchase a New Student Trial for $20. This will give you seven days to try out as many classes and instructors as you like so you can see what is a good fit.

Do I have to be in good shape or flexible before I start?
No, it is a misconception that people who practice yoga are super flexible and in great shape. Forget what you see on social media! Yoga is for everybody and every BODY. In yoga, we work in many levels to benefit the mind, body and spirit and you will become more flexible as you practice. Come as you are!

What if I have an injury or health issue?
We always recommend that if you have an injury or health issue that you discuss this with the instructor prior to starting class. The good news is that yoga can benefit people who have such issues and there are many modifications and accommodations that can be made to help you.

What do I wear to yoga class?
When you come to yoga class, we recommend that you wear something that is comfortable to you. You don't have to wear leggings, although those are fine! Many people wear sweat pants and a t-shirt. Just come ready to stretch and move. We do ask that you remove your shoes and socks for class.

What should I bring to class?
We recommend that you bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water. If you don't have a mat, we have a few you can borrow or you can purchase one at the studio. We often use additional props such as yoga blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets and eye pillows, but we have those to borrow at the studio.

How do I sign up?
Signing up with One Soul is easy. Simply go to our "Classes" page to look at our schedule. You can click "book" on any class and that will take you to our online registration page. From there, fill out the online form, choose which payment option you prefer and book your class. If you prefer, you can sign up in person at One Soul. We do recommend that you arrive about 15 minutes early to fill out paper work.

What if I arrive late to class?
Ideally, it is best to arrive to the studio 5-10 minutes before the start of class. This will give you enough time to sign in, store your belongings and get your mat set up before we start. If you do arrive late, please enter the studio quietly and find a place as not to disturb others.

Have questions? Contact us at