
On-demand Video Classes - 1 Week Free Trial

Veljavnost: 1 week

Online Yoga - Single drop in class

Veljavnost: 1 month

On-demand Membership (1 month)

Access to on-demand video library with over 60 Yoga videos. Monthly rolling. Cancel at any time.
Mesečno podaljšanje
£15 na mesec

ETNA Centre - Single drop in class

Veljavnost: 6 months

Online Yoga - 5 class pass

Veljavnost: 4 months

Online Membership (1 month)

All live online classes + on-demand videos. Monthly rolling. Cancel at any time.
Mesečno podaljšanje
£49 na mesec

ETNA Centre - 5 class pass

Veljavnost: 3 months

Online Yoga - 10 class pass

Veljavnost: 6 months

Unlimited Membership (1 month)

All Ravi's ETNA classes, all live online classes + on-demand videos. Monthly rolling. Cancel at any time.
Mesečno podaljšanje
£99 na mesec

ETNA Centre - 10 class pass

Veljavnost: 6 months