Sunday Special: Ashtanga Yoga and Breathing Bones with Kat

2 March 2025 • 10:00 - 12:00
Arlington Baths
Yoga Moves Glasgow YMG
17 spots available


A double bill for Sunday, whether you’ve been to our yoga classes or not, looking for more in-depth explorations, or just the luxury of Breathing Bones on a Sunday afternoon.

The first hour is workshop style, giving us extra time to look at principles that show up time and again in Ashtanga yoga.

Then we’ll have a full hour of our own, very special, Breathing Bones, to unwind into the rest of your Sunday afternoon.

The workshop draws on the breadth of knowledge and experience that Kat has built up working with practitioners in classes at YMG, and her own work and experience as a long term practitioner with inspirational teachers. Kat is currently undertaking Kia Naddermier’s IDT (intensive development training) in Ashtanga and Pranayama, and travels to assist Kia in her retreats as part of the Mysore Yoga Paris team.

Kat’s Breathing Bones class is a YMG classic, and a great partner to the dynamic and rigorous style of Ashtanga Yoga.