Yin yoga
4 februari 2025 •
18:00 - 19:00

Brigitte in 't Veld
Yin yoga is een langzame vorm van yoga voor rustige houdingen, en de asana's worden voor langere tijd vastgehouden; drie tot vijf minuten. Op deze manier wordt het bindweefsel langzaam gerekt en gehydrateerd en blijven de gewrichten soepel. Zo wordt er ruimte gecreëerd in het bindweefsel en de gewrichten.
in Yin yoga, we target the deep connective tissues of the body - the ligaments, joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. A Yin class usually consists of a series of passive floor poses held for up to 5 minutes or more, that mainly work the lower part of the body - the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues.
in Yin yoga, we target the deep connective tissues of the body - the ligaments, joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. A Yin class usually consists of a series of passive floor poses held for up to 5 minutes or more, that mainly work the lower part of the body - the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues.