Saturday, 12 November • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
71 Rydale Road, West Ryde
Sena Suh
I’ve been practicing Yoga for over a decade with passion across India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea and Australia. My first experience in Yoga was when I went backpacking in India at 19. After that, I started working in a corporate world, and often got anxious, impatient and angry while my career was getting more successful. So, I started practicing Yoga to breath out the heavy feelings and find myself back. And guess what? It worked!! For more than 15 years, yoga has been integral part of my life and helped me become a much better person personally and professionally. And more importantly I became a much happier person. I’m nowhere near anxious or impatient anymore but rather calm and steady. I’m amazed by how yoga has helped me discover myself and strengthened my mind and body. This is why I teach yoga. I want more people to experience the benefit of yoga - ‘power of yoga’ - just like I did. Let’s practice Yoga with me on the mat, and off the mat! Oh, lastly, outside Yoga, I still hold my corporate career and enjoy reading books, blogging, playing the piano, and spending time with my husband and 3 cats.
This is a small group class in Korean. We take time to look back on our days and share some appreciation or thoughts in the beginning of the class.
You are a beginner? or intermediate practitioner? It doesn't matter as options and freedom are given throughout the class. The purpose of the class is to understand deeper about yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.

토요일 빈야사 수업은 한국어로 진행하는 소그룹 수업으로 우리 몸의 정렬과 기본 자세에 집중, 호흡과 함께하는 플로우로 진행됩니다.
첫 15-20분은 한 주 동안의 내 삶을 천천히 돌아보는 시간을 갖고 대화도 나누며 요가 수련 이상을 경험하실 수 있을거에요. (수업 리뷰
다양한 옵션이 주어지므로 초보자부터 중급까지 참여하실 수 있고요. 규칙적 수련을 통해 궁극적으로 스스로의 몸과 마음, 정신에 대해 더 깊게 이해하는 것을 목표로 합니다.