
1 Class Dropin

Geldig voor 1 maand
CHF 36

New Comers 2 weeks Unlimited (Only for Guided Ashtanga classes)

This pass is ONLY Valid for " Guided Ashtanga Classes" Mysore Classes with Delara are not included. * Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 2 weken
CHF 78

3 Classes

* Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 3 maanden
CHF 96

8 Classes/Month

* Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 4 weken
CHF 194

1 Month Unlimited

* Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 4 weken
CHF 240

10 classes/12 weeks

* Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 12 weken
CHF 300

3 Months Unlimited

* Prolongation of class cards is only made due to an injury or illness with a medical certificate.
Geldig voor 12 weken
CHF 600