General terms of Creating Space Yoga Studio

Studio Policies

All students must pre-register via our CSY website or the Momoyoga member app for each class. (Member Login)

Students must cancel their reserved class no later than 2 hours before the scheduled class or the class fees will be charged. Class cancellations can be done online, or if necessary, send an email to the studio.

Studio memberships are paid automatically every month. If you wish to cancel your membership, please send an email to the studio. You can join again at any time.

Each student must complete an online waiver to participate in our Zoom and On-Demand Videos. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.

If a class needs to be cancelled, you will receive a cancellation email notice. Your reserved class will be added back to your account.

Please log into your class 5 minutes before class. Please try not to be late. If you arrive late for a Zoom class, be patient and your teacher will let you in when there is a break in the class.