Restorative Yoga
Fredag, 26 april • 18:30 - 20:00
Churchdown Methodist Church, Chapel Hay Lane, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2ET
Ellie Stafford
A deeply relaxing form of yoga in which you are led on the mat for a length of time in a small number of poses designed to gently stretch and allow your body to release tension and your mind to de-stress. Props such as bolsters and blankets support the body and allow your breath to move freely. No distractions, no interruptions. All mats and professional props are provided. A unique opportunity to experience this form of yoga outside of a yoga studio. No yoga experience required. Suitable if recovering from injuries as the body is fully supported. Booking via advance payment essential due to a limited number of spaces and a minimum of 24 hours notice required for cancellation (for full refund). Free onsite parking available.