Moon Magic
Fredag, juli 29 • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
India Wallace
India Wallace has a “Meditation Teachers” certificate from The Gawler Foundation and has led “Learn to Meditate” at Buddha House and Cancer Care Centre. As a practicing Buddhist she has been meditating for 19 years and offers practical advice to motivate you and begin your own Meditation Journey.
(this is a private FB group so reach out to me if you would like to join)
I have made some changes to moon 🌘 magic. I have taken it online. I want to offer an affordable, easy, online women's group that you can attend every lunation and receive the full magic from her!
A Moon Goddess lives her life with the divine, feminine moonly cycles paying particular attention at the New Moon for manifesting, the Full Moon for releasing, forgiving and practicing gratitude. So if you are a genuine Moon Goddess this offering is for you!
✨7.30 pm - 9.00 pm ACST
✨$24 AUD per person (not per group)
✨you will receive a moon 🌘 magic booklet. this will include a link for your personal astrology, crystal and essential oils information, how to set up your space, Goddess information, and questions that you can journal with after the meditation
✨the evening will begin with a talk from me on the lunation and the Goddess followed by a beautiful guided meditation to connect with the Goddess.
✨I will be recording the session so if you cannot attend or you live in a different time zone than me you can access it for later.
Love andMoonly Blessings
✨Moon Goddess, Meditation Teacher, Holistic Intuitive Counseller. See less