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Samedi, août 27 • 7:30 PM - 9:15 PM
India Wallace
India Wallace has a “Meditation Teachers” certificate from The Gawler Foundation and has led “Learn to Meditate” at Buddha House and Cancer Care Centre. As a practicing Buddhist she has been meditating for 19 years and offers practical advice to motivate you and begin your own Meditation Journey.
I have made some changes to moon 🌘 magic & I have taken it online. I want to offer an affordable, easy, online women's group that you can attend every lunation and receive the full magic from her!

A Moon Goddess lives her life with the divine, feminine moonly cycles paying particular attention at the New Moon for manifesting & the Full Moon for releasing, forgiving & practicing gratitude. So if you are a genuine Moon Goddess this offering is for you!

✨7.30 pm - 9.15 pm ACST
✨$24 AUD per person (not per group)
✨you will receive a moon 🌘 magic booklet. this will include a link for your personal astrology, crystal & essential oils information, how to set up your space, Goddess information, & questions that you can journal with after the meditation
✨the evening will begin with a talk from me on the lunation & the Goddess followed by a beautiful guided meditation to connect with the Goddess.
✨I will be recording the session so if you cannot attend or you live in a different time zone than me you can access it for later.
Love & Moonly Blessings
✨Moon Goddess, Meditation Teacher, Holistic Intuitive Counseller.