Tuesday, April 9 • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
India Wallace
India Wallace has a “Meditation Teachers” certificate from The Gawler Foundation and has led “Learn to Meditate” at Buddha House and Cancer Care Centre. As a practicing Buddhist she has been meditating for 19 years and offers practical advice to motivate you and begin your own Meditation Journey.
Hello Goddesses,

After basking in the celestial energy of the last extraordinary event I'm eager to embark on this magical journey with you for the next gathering.

⭐️ Join us on Tuesday, April 9, for an ethereal experience like no other.

⭐️ Immerse yourself in the mystical energies from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. Or if you cannot attend online live you will receive the recordings.

⭐️ Embrace the power of the New Moon Eclipse in Aries.

⭐️ The cost of this transformative journey is $25.

⭐️ Let's weave the threads of cosmic energy together, creating a tapestry of connection and empowerment.

I am bubbling with excitement, and with your commitment, we can make this celestial online gathering a reality. Your presence is the key to unlocking the magic within. Extend this invitation to those dear to you.

⭐️ Love & Moonly Blessings, always.

Yours in cosmic harmony,
India 💜