Personal Training
Monday, 13 May • 08:00 - 09:00
Augustinuspark 4 1185 CN Amstelveen
Alex F
IYENGAR YOGA Teacher Training (lvl 1) (B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Institute, Amsterdam, in progress 2020) BODY BALANCE Teacher Training (Les Mills, Amsterdam, 2019) IYENGAR YOGA WORKSHOP (20 HOURS) (David Meloni, Bucharest May 2016) RAINBOW YOGA TEACHER TRAINING (Leva Wildlovebeamer, Bucharest Aug 2016) INTERNATIONAL YOGA FESTIVAL (INDIA, Rishikesh Feb-March 2015) IYENGAR YOGA WORKSHOP (24 HOURS) (David Meloni, Bucharest September 2015) KRYA YOGA Initiation (Daniel Mitel, Bucharest November 2014) Certified HATHA YOGA TEACHER (CYT®200hr) (Michelle Kaminski – Yoga Alliance Europe, School of Transformational Hatha Yoga: Sept – Oct 2014, Athens, Greece) FITNESS YOGA: The Power of Asanas (Julio Papi- Move ON Fitness Education, Bucharest 2013) INTERNATIONAL PILATES CONVENTION OF ROMANIA (Iasi, Oct. 2011)
Change your life with a mix of HIIT (high intensive interval training), strength and cardio training. You will be part from a small private group with the same goals, like:
- loose weight
- toning and shaping the body
- running a marathon or other competions