Chi siamo forest moon yoga

We are happy to offer a space with the following amenities: 450sqft studio, waiting area, lockers (w/ provided locks), retail, $2 mat/towel rental, unisex restroom, filtered water station. Credit or debit card ONLY.

Doors will open 15 minutes before class and will be locked once class starts. You are encouraged to arrive early to settle in for class. If you’re running late please contact the studio, we will try our best to accommodate you.

• Arrive on time. Give yourself the minutes you need to check-in, put away your items, roll out your mat, and gather any props you’ll need for class.
• Remove your shoes. Yoga is practiced with bare feet, please leave your shoes in the lobby or an area close to the studio entrance.
• No open containers. Water is encouraged while you practice, please use a sealed container in the studio.
• Tell your teacher about any injuries/health concerns.
• Cleanliness. Please bring a clean body, mat, and towel to class. Be mindful of heavy perfumes, oils, and colognes, as strong scents travel easily during class.
• Leave your cell phones at the door. Please silence your phone and leave it in a locker. If you’re expecting an important call, inform the teacher, silence your phone, position yourself close to the door and take your call once you are outside of the building.
• Make space for others. When stragglers file in, you’ll often see them scanning the room for a strategic spot to roll out their mat. Be neighborly by making room for them.
• Mind your steps: it’s polite to avoid walking on a fellow yogi’s mat.
• Minimize conversation. Many studios are considered a space for reflection, self-study, and focus, and maintaining a quiet atmosphere supports this frame of mind. If the studio is quiet and meditative, keep it that way by refraining from chitchat. It’s not only polite, but it’s beneficial to your state of mind.
• Can’t stay for savasana? Leave before. Notify your teacher if you must leave early. Position yourself near the door to avoid disrupting class. When it’s time to leave, pack up and scoot out as quietly as you can. We’re happy to have you even if you can’t stay the entire time!
• Clean up. If you’re borrowing the studio’s props, be sure to return them to their rightful place upon leaving. If you used one of the studio’s mats, please return it to the front desk after class. Leaving your space as clean as you found it is respectful to the studio and students in later classes.