Creative Meditation: Malas, Mandalas, & Coloring
Wednesday, March 20 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
forest moon yoga
Pam Rollins
200RYT she/her practicing since: 2012 teaching since: 2013 training: Alchemy of Yoga YTT 200hr, Mindful Therapeutic Yoga Practices for Veterans 18hr, Earth Yin Yoga TT 40hr, Sendatsu Next Level TT 50hr.
In this workshop, we will explore creative outlets to aid in our Meditation practice. Students will have the opportunity to create a mala bracelet and will receive coloring sheets and a handout to continue these practices at home.

MALA – Mala beads are a type of prayer and meditation bead. Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Catholicism all have a variation of prayer beads (‘worry beads’ or rosary). In today’s practice, most are used as a form of meditation without religious affiliation.
MANDALA – in Hindu and Buddhist faiths, mandalas are a symbolic diagram used in the performance of sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation.
COLORING – Coloring has been proven to calm the brain and help your body relax. Sitting down for a coloring session can be compared to a physical yoga practice (asana) as the same mind-body connection.

All supplies will be provided.