Lund - Hot Classic 90 (eng)
Söndag, 17 mars • 10:00 - 11:30
Råbygatan 1c
Sara Mazilu
This class is open to all levels.
Original 26+2 Bikram series. The sequence consists of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. The room temperature is set to about 40.5 so this class is guaranteed to make you sweat as well as give your whole body, respiratory and cardiovascular system a good workout.
This series of poses allows the body to stretch, strengthen and detoxify and many report to have greatly reduced stress levels as well as chronic pain. The class is lead verbally so be prepared to listen! The idea behind this is to stop your mind from drifting and helping it to anchor into the present moment.
This class is open to all levels.
Avbokning sker senast 8h före utsatt tid, och du behåller då ditt klipp till valfritt annat tillfälle inom kortets giltighetstid🧡.