Enliven Flow (Otorohanga)
Monday, 20 May • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
33 Turongo St, Lyceum Club, Otorohanga
Ainslie Speedy
Our favourite way to begin the week! It's fun, light-hearted, dynamic and you get to choose how challenging your practice needs to be for you on the day. You'll walk out feeling calm and energized.

This will be a great class for you if you want to build on your strength, stability, balance & mobility and learn how stress manifests in the body & how to transform and process it.

We incorporate pranayama (breath), mobility, strength, embodiment practices, stability, active stretching, and deep relaxation.

Great for those who want to start the week off with a positive mindset and a clear mind!

This class is suitable for all levels.