Rasa Flow Vinyasa - ONLINE & HYBRID CLASS
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Petek, 2 december • 08:30 - 09:30
Online & Live in the yoga Shala, Yoga Shala
Jean-Claude Rawady
Namaste & Welcome to my page . You will find my weekly schedules and my video library here . If you want to learn about upcoming events , please drop me a message or email me :info@jcyogi.com
Yoga and the Foundations ..

Emotional, mental, and physical stress can lead to the collection of tension in the mind and body. Yoga for Tension Relief is a cooling and calming practice created specifically to help relieve this accumulation of tension.
Become present with what’s happening this very moment. A gentle reminder to call upon the breath, body awareness, and to find stillness. This practice can be used as preventative care or to address current tension and stress.

Whether it is from sitting at the computer all day, a difficult workout routine or just day-to-day activity and stressors, many people hold tension in their shoulders. It may feel like the side of the neck is actually getting shorter. In fact, it is often the levator scapulae, the muscle that attaches the shoulder blades to the neck, tensing up and pulling in an uncomfortable manner.

However, this tension can be alleviated and eliminated through a Yoga routine. This class is dedicated to release the shoulders and decompress the lower back by strengthening and lengthening .

During this class , we will focus on Shoulders & Back.
By strengthening our back , we build the backbone of our bodies & by strengthening our shoulders we minimize the risk of injuries caused by the mobility in our shoulder joints .

This class is intended to release any tensions that we build around the neck , shoulders and the lower back & to bring more breath to the back of the body .