Online Meditation and Ashtanga Yoga
Torsdag, mars 21 • 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Kate Covello
Welcome back to your mat! I teach online yoga teacher training. Yoga is the venue to get to know your wise self. Don't make excuses for yourself. Show up and shine.
Start your morning with meditation and the Ashtanga Primary standing series. Get in the groove for your day with this twice-weekly practice. We'll do the opening series, standing poses and closing sequence. Pranayama and chanting to open and close the class.

Feel inspired, powerful and renewed.

Zoom Meeting ID: 663 249 4504
Passcode: yoga

*Time is listed in MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE!

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Kate Covello leads the standing series of Ashtanga primary series. This practice will be inspired by the Ashtanga lineage, and her teachers Tina Pashumati (Jivamukti Whistler) and Hamsa (Sattva Shala Chamonix). Ashtanga is a powerful system of yoga that includes a regular practice of physically powerful poses, energizing breath and heart-opening chants.