

valid for any inperson or online class (You can change the date after you've purchased)
Valide pour 2 mois

Monthly Membership Autorenewal

Online Ashtanga and meditation Tuesday/Thursday 700 - 800am (Mountain time zone) livestreamed via Zoom meeting Find the link: www.katecovello.com
Renouvellement mensuel
CA$55 par mois

Private Yoga Class

Enhance your yoga practice with private yoga instruction. Private classes can address a specific issue (such as injury or significant life event), or be a venue for your specific group.
Valide pour 12 mois

Yoga Teacher Training - 200hours online

Part-time learning on your schedule. This unique program is a one-year personalized mentorship. Work at your own pace. Receive expert yoga instruction specific to you. $210/month (includes 5% GST)
Renouvellement mensuel
CA$210 par mois

Private Yoga Classes (five)

Pre-pay for five private yoga classes and get a 20% discount. Private yoga classes: $150+tax each
Valide pour 12 mois