Yoga to stretch tight hips and shoulders Gratis
Kate Covello
juli 3 2021 • Duur: 45 minuten
Stretch your shoulders and hips with this 45-minute sequence. Props needed:
yoga mat
Poses include:cat/cow
sun salutation B with humble warrior
moon salutation
lunge with twist
warrior II with eagle arms
wide-leg forward fold
shoelace pose (seated) with shoulder stretch
reclined twist
....and a deep rest in savasana

kundalini breath
three-part breath

Extra time for meditation and silence:
Meditation is training yourself to take responsibility for your reactions

Yoga is not a treatment, but is a consciousness that allows health, balance and joy to be your constant companions through life's ups and downs.

Land and Heart Practice: Connect your heart to the land that you walk upon. Take care of your mind and spirit with yoga. Breathe deeply. Go outside.