Vinyasa Flow
Lundi, 8 août • 18:30 - 19:30
The Secret Garden Y34X076
Gemma Murphy
Holistic therapist, massage, reiki, NLP
Our vinyasa flow class is a mixed level dynamic class that synchronises movement and breath in a continuous flow of asanas (postures) including Sun Salutations. These classes are creative and fun, linking breath and movement together improving strength with flexibility while allowing individuals find alignment that works in their bodies. Classes are taught based on themes with backgrounds rooted in either Traditional Chinese Medicine or around the seasonal cycles of the Celtic wheel or around the Myths & Philosophies of the Ancient Indian principles. Weaving in elements from various styles of yoga and other mixed movement practices these classes focus on strengthening, building stamina, stability and bringing balance to the body & mind. Through this powerful connection of body & mind, these classes can help lower stress levels, promote health, flexibility & strength, and a feeling of well-being.

If you are pregnant, have a medical condition or a recent injury, it can be challenging to do certain types of yoga, specific poses, or breathing techniques so we recommended consulting with your doctor before beginning yoga.