Salute to Sun Salutes
Saturday, 25 March • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Living Peace Yoga
Ginny Clarke
Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun) is a fundamental practice in modern yoga. This is a flowing, dynamic sequence of postures which can be both enlivening and enlightening when done with awareness and reverence. In this workshop we will break down the postures, learning each pose individually and then how to link them together and transition from pose to pose with ease and grace.

This workshop includes:

* Learn the physical benefits of Surya Namaskar
* Discussion around the origin of this sequence
* Explore safe and potent alignment, as well as potential pitfalls to this sequence
* Learn a variety of versions of salutes
* Learn how to modify the asana to suit your body type
* Break down the “vinyasa” sequence (plank, chatturanga, cobra/up dog, down dog)
* Learn the sun “bija” mantras to honour the nurturing sun outside and the sun within us.