Honey Flow + Gong Bath with Barbara
Thursday, 9 May • 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM
Lotus Room Yoga 🪷
Barbara Schuette
Barbara completed her 200-hour YTT in 2019 and has her 200 RYT certification with Yoga Alliance, but her “real” training goes back several years as she practiced + learned from the best of the best in the St. Louis area where she worked at the time. Barbara holds a B.S. degree in Education, Training & Development from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale and has worked in the radiology field as an MRI, x-ray, and mammography technologist for the past 35 years.
Please prepay $15 via Venmo@lotus-room-yoga-1 or in person in studio.

Our honey flow is meant to be simpler movements, lots of flow, and some yummy stretching. We will move and build plenty of heat, but without any transitions that make you think too hard! Get your yoga flow and then melt into a prolonged, guided meditation.