Om Love Yoga Ltd

We are committed to developing and growing personally through the practice and study of Yoga, as well as other positive practices.

The benefits of Yoga are so noticeable and life changing, that we’ve taken it into our daily lives. This enthusiasm and ongoing experience is something we want to share and make available to anyone with an interest in finding out about yoga.

We really believe everyone benefits from yoga practice – it’s just a case of finding a way that suits you. We want to help with that in any way that we can, so if we’re not running a class that suits you, we’ll be happy to point you in the direction of someone who is.

We have experienced Yoga to be more than just a physical practice or workout. It is an invitation to practice awareness of ‘What Is’, so that we develop more trust in an inner knowing of what is right for us at any given moment.

Apart from running workshops on Yoga and Ayurveda, and inviting some wonderful teachers to Aberdeen, we also offer yoga retreats.

Mats and other equipment are available to borrow at the studio.