Led Intermediate
Sabato, 27 aprile • 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Love Yoga Ltd
Julia Milne
Julia Milne attended her first class at Love Yoga in 2017 a few months before turning 40 and has been a regular ever since. Julia practices each morning with Charlie and trained with Bharath Shetty at IndeaYoga. Julia’s aim is to make yoga accessible to all and applies a trauma informed and nurturing approach to her classes.
These sessions run on the fourth Saturday of every month. The Ashtanga Intermediate series is a dynamic, intense, free flowing set of asanas that instil strength, balance and a sense of rhythm. It involves moving through the postures, linking them with transitions while synchronising the movements with the breath. Experience of padmasana (lotus), urdhva dhanurasana (upward bow) and sirsasana (headstand) is useful for this class.