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Uniting Heart and Mind: A Journey through the 4th Yoga Sutra (Mixed Level)
Hannelore Moebius
September 24 2023 • Duration: 1 Hour, 7 Minutes
Join us in this enlightening mixed-level yoga practice as we delve deeper into the profound teachings of the 4th Yoga Sutra: "At other times, we identify ourselves with our thoughts and emotions."

Through the gentle rhythm of our breath synchronized with mindful movements, we embark on a transformative journey into the realm of deep presence. Starting with supine and prone movements, complemented by soothing table warm-ups, we gradually transition into familiar poses such as Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Mountain, Moon, and a graceful exploration of Warrior and Triangle variations.

As we wind down, we find solace in Shoulder-stand, Fish pose, and the rejuvenating Knee-down Twist. But the true essence of this practice unfolds during our relaxation, where we direct our awareness to the heart center—the seat of consciousness.

Here, we invite you to come into a seated position and explore the terrain of your consciousness. Observe how your awareness is drawn to different sensations, perhaps discomfort in the body or the ever-moving currents of the mind and emotions. With gentle, non-judgmental awareness, we guide our consciousness back to the heart, echoing the wisdom of Sutra #3: "Yoga is the uniting of consciousness in the heart, I rest in my own true nature."

Our practice concludes with an intention—a commitment to revisit this union of heart and mind, even for just a few precious minutes each day. Join us on this profound journey of self-discovery and inner harmony. 🧘‍♀️🌟 #YogaSutra #MindfulPresence #HeartMindUnion