LISTEN TO YOUR HEART: A Nourishing Workshop
Söndag, april 24 • 10:00 fm - 11:30 fm
Lauderdale House, Long Gallery
Nicole Rowihab
We spend so much of our lives listening to our head. Yet anything truly meaningful that life has to offer is experienced in our hearts and our bodies.

Our head creates noise, the chatter, the limited vision, the fear. The heart on the other hand sees clearly. "It balances the mind and emotions. It takes what's real and processes it into truth, then into action" - Melody Beattie

Listening and leading from our hearts allows us to live in full authenticity, peace and ease. It connects us to our intuition, our inner knowing.

In this workshop, we will explore this theme through a strong, deep, grounded and healing Forrest-Inspired practice.

For beginners to advanced students