Yin Yoga with Reiki and Sound Healing with Angie
Wednesday, March 15 • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Krista Olive
Krista received her Bachelors in Psychology, and Masters in Social Work. Krista has worked with many populations including children, older adults, and individuals with complex medical, and mental health histories. Krista realized aspects of the individual are overlooked in traditional modalities when it comes to healing, and believes in assisting others on a deeper level through yoga. Krista became yoga certified, and is trained in: Yoga Basics, Vinyasa, Yin-Restorative, Meditation, Pranayama, Anatomy, Physiology, Subtle Anatomy, Chakras, Yin/Yang Concepts, Yoga Philosophy, Ahimsic Food Prep, Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga, Chair Yoga, Visual Yoga, Kids Yoga, and Thai Yoga! Krista has attended various yoga events, and retreats to deepen her personal practice. Krista takes a person-centered approach, meaning, every individual is unique from their past experiences, their beliefs/values, and even their bone structure, and how their bodies move, and bend. The goal of yoga is not to touch your toes, or do a handstand. Yoga is about being good to yourself, and connecting to your most authentic self.
This practice is a more meditative approach to yoga. It combines long, but supported yoga stretches that teach us how to sit and breathe through life’s challenges. All postures are done on the floor with props to support them. Each pose is held for several minutes, stretching the connective tissue in the joints. During the class, the teacher will move from person to person offering Reiki. (You can always opt out of the reiki portion if you do not want to be touched) Expect a long savasana or yoga nidra with sound healing. Sound healing is a vibrational clearing through the harmonics of singing bowls, a gong, and other instruments. This is a restorative release for mind, body, and soul!