PRAKTIKA method is based on the Classical Pilates Mat Series and Vinyasa Yoga.
A solid and well balanced physical training develops flexibility, mobility, strength and balance. While a focus on breathing lends itself to stabilizing the nervous system.

The variations shown for each movement enable everyone to either stay within their comfort zone, or push for more of a challenge. This means that both complete beginners and those with a firm experience will enjoy the benefits.

Classes on today's menu:

This energising fusion class will strengthen your whole body, fire up your energy and calm the mind. A refreshing cocktail of Pilates exercises and yoga flows.

A fun and challenging class where we work on fitball with props. Powerful mix of physio, Pilates and yoga targeting your core, back and glutes. Regular practice will help you to find a balanced posture and get rid of "office back pain".

The cult Pilates Mat Series. Classical order with attention to connections, breath, precision and flow. Best way to experience the true Pilates Magic. This class is given in a semi-private format (max 7 participants), which allows full attention to each student and work in detail.

During this yoga session, we take time to focus on our breath, mobility, flexibility, and balance. An excellent option to complement your Pilates strength training to create a complete weekly routine. This medium-paced class will suit any level through adaptations.