Workshop Robert Boustany Sequencing
Lunes, 2 diciembre • 14:00 - 17:00
Body & Mind center merlijn, Patrijsweg 12, Rijswijk, Zaal 2
Robert Boustany
Sequencing (extra workshop)
In your practice or when teaching
How to develop the arms, so they are prepared best for handstand. Or how to prepare for seated breathings and meditation?

There is so much in yoga that we can experience. But where to start when you teach a class? Or what to choose when you have only 15 minutes before heading out?

Imagine you know..….

efficient preparation for backbending
about connections in the body
a framework to look at the body
How to level up or level down easily

Sequencing in Pralaya
Robert Boustany has been teaching yoga for almost fifty years. He has developed a genius and beautiful system called Pralaya Yoga. This system brings the knowledge of traditional yoga and science together. He has a detailed understanding on sequencing poses efficiently for maximum strength and flexibility.

Robert teaches an extra workshop on sequencing
Monday 2nd of December 14:00 - 17:00 @Merlijn Body & Mind Center, Patrijsweg 12, Rijswijk

Robert will teach you how developing arms will release the upper part of the spine. And also how releasing the spine will help develop strength in arms. So there are specific procedures that connect your ‘core’ to your limbs.

Answers you will get

How to develop arms and legs to release the spine?
How does twisting develops the legs?
Does working the legs will help to release the spine?
Spinal release and heart opening will strengthen the arms
From this knowledge you will understand how basic postures build complex poses.

Who can attend?
Everyone. Teachers will have clues on how to sequence poses in classes. But everyone interested will be challenged at their own level and deeply learn

Time & date:
Tuesday 3rd of December 2019
12:00 - 15:00
Body & Mind Center Merlijn
Patrijsweg 12, Rijswijk (free parking)

€ 60,- incl tea & snack

Suitable for:
all levels: beginners & advanced

More info:
Marlies de Koning 0624918780