
One Week Trial Library Subscription

Valid for 1 week
This one week trial gives you access all of our video collections. Take the week to check it out. Then get an $8 credit towards your 1st month of the library subscription.

Monthly Video Library Membership

$30 p/m
Monthly renewal
This membership gives you full access to all Yoga & Jin Shin Jyutsu videos in the Library. Membership includes 1 class credit per month and renews automatically each month until you cancel.
$30 p/m

Monthly Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Library Membership

$20 p/m
Monthly renewal
Library of guided meditation and self-energy healing work. Breath awareness + gentle touch in specific sequences to bring balance to our energy patterns, promoting optimal health, and deep relaxation.
$20 p/m

Welcome Pass

Valid for 1 month
Welcome to Spiral Way. Get 2 classes for the price of 1.

One Class - Drop In

Valid for 1 month
Single Class Pass

8 Class Pass

Valid for 3 months
This 8 Class Pass is ideal for those who wish to attend 1 - 2 classes per week and offers a 20% savings over individual class price.

Two Week Unlimited Intro Pass

Valid for 2 weeks
Use this two week intro pass to dive in and give yourself a chance to really explore our classes.

Monthly Unlimited Class Membership Pass

$130 p/m
Monthly renewal
Includes an unlimited number of our regular classes, Yoga Video Library, JinShinJyutsu Video Library, 10% Discount on Workshops. Membership renews automatically each month until you cancel.
$130 p/m

Spring Weekend Immersion

Valid for 12 months