Meditation class with Anand Nigam
Dienstag, 12 März • 19:30 - 21:00
De Nieuwe Plek
Anoshe Overington
NIGAM’S MEDITATION CLASSES are born from his individual
search for greater understanding and more meaning in life. He has
studied with Satyananda Saraswati (1980’s), Osho (1990’s), and with
Baba Purnananda, with whom he realised that silent meditation was
the ultimate medicine to become happy in all circumstances.

Together we will sit still, dance, move, walk, sing and meditate in the
classes, finding your own unique path to self-understanding.

All are welcome, both experienced and non-experienced meditators.
We will begin with meditations in which we move the body, to help
become more relaxed and ready to silently sit together.