Wednesday, 22 May • 06:30 - 09:00
Bergheimerstrasse 147, 1. OG - Rechts
Ilde Mancini Lombardi
Weitere Infos:
Per Email oder telefonisch unter 0176 78935409
Additional info at 0176 78935409 or
The Mysore style class is a space of self-practice and self-exploration within the frame of the Ashtanga yoga sequence.
During the class, the students will practice at their own pace and according to their personal needs.
The teacher will hold the space for each student and support any level of practice with specific hands-on adjustments.

Beginner students are welcome to start their Ashtanga Yoga journey within the Mysore style setting.
No previous experience in the field of yoga is required, neither a specific level of flexibility but the curiosity to discover new ways to move the body and to awaken its potential through the breath.

The room is open from 6:30 to 9 am and the students are free to join at any time suits them best, according to the length of their practice.

The building is located in the Bergheimerstrasse 147, just in front of the tram stop Betriebshof, inside the Landfried complex.

Yoga mats, blocks and several yoga tools are available on site as well as toilets and a shower.