Rolfing® SESSION
Wednesday, 24 April • 10:00 - 11:30
Bergheimerstrasse 147, 2. OG
Ilde Mancini Lombardi
Um Ihren Termin zu vereinbaren, rufen Sie mich unter 0176 78935409 an oder schreiben Sie mir per E-Mail an
Weitere Infors unten
To schedule your appointment call me at 0176 78935409 or write to me an email at
Additional info at
Rolfing® (aka Structural Integration) is a massage technique based on the manipulation of fascia (Faszien) that provides a more defined map of the body and supports the process of uncovering new possibilities of movement and of being.
Rolfing® is based on a series of 10 sessions of ca. 90 minutes each and during each session a specific part of the body is addressed.
The goal is to provide a new and better alignment in gravity, more freedom of movement and a deeper awareness of the body.
Cancellation is only possible up to 12 hours prior to the class, otherwise the entire amount will be charged.