Hot Yoga 🔥 Detox Flow
Wednesday, June 21 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Irina Smith
A hot room creates a sauna-like environment, bringing your mind to the present while helping you unwind and de-stress. The heat gives your heart and lungs a harder workout, and just like non-heated yoga, you can improve your strength and flexibility.
Just like any workout, you need to know how to stay safe and injury-free. Hot yoga can feel overwhelming or too stuffy for beginners, which is why it's important to ease into it and know what to expect and what to do if you feel overheated or fatigued. Here are a few tips:

* Stay hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after class.
* Tune into your body: You always have the option of stepping out of class to get fresh air and cool down.
Talk to your doctor if you have pre-existing conditions: If you have a history of fainting due to low blood pressure or have a heart condition, make sure you have a conversation with your doctor first. The same applies if you're pregnant.
Booking in advance by card payment or cash in advance and for bank transfer :
Please contact me after the bank transfer to add your membership in the system
Name : Irina Smith
Bank acc Halifax
AC no 10451666
Sort code 11 03 65