Somatic Movement for body & mind
8 January 2024 •
09:30 - 10:45

Beverley Gardiner
Somatic movement with Siobhan -
Focusing on internal sensations of movement. Tuning in to our subconscious habits of holding the body with the aim of recalibrating for more freedom and mobility.
Bring an extra layer to keep cosy during slower parts of the class. Classes may begin with movements low to the ground and we create internal heat as the class progresses. All fitness levels are welcome, you can set your own pace. Siobhan takes the class, she is a local yoga teacher with interests in somatics, embodied movement and meditation.
Focusing on internal sensations of movement. Tuning in to our subconscious habits of holding the body with the aim of recalibrating for more freedom and mobility.
Bring an extra layer to keep cosy during slower parts of the class. Classes may begin with movements low to the ground and we create internal heat as the class progresses. All fitness levels are welcome, you can set your own pace. Siobhan takes the class, she is a local yoga teacher with interests in somatics, embodied movement and meditation.