Special Yoga & Live Music Class - All Levels - 1 hr
Söndag, maj 19 • 9:30 fm - 10:30 fm
Naach Masala Studio
Aparna Ravichander
Engineer by day, aspiring zen master by night
Step into a realm of tranquility with the harmonious union of movement and live music featuring artist, Dhaval Parikh. Let the melodious tunes of the bansuri flute, a soul-stirring Indian classical instrument, weave seamlessly into the fabric of your yoga practice.

🧘‍♂️ All Levels Welcome:

Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, this class is crafted to accommodate practitioners of all levels.

🎼 Live Serenade:

The live music, skillfully played alongside the yoga session, adds a unique dimension to your experience, elevating the mind, body, and spirit.

🌺 Serene Atmosphere:

The combination of yoga and live music creates a symphony of tranquility, inviting you to connect with your inner self on a deeper level.

🌞 Sunday Morning Bliss:

Embrace the beauty of Sunday morning with a sense of calm and purpose. This class is designed to be the perfect start to your day, offering you a space to reset, recharge, and set positive intentions for the week ahead. Allow the healing power of yoga and live music to create a harmonious balance within.