About Tücsi Yoga

Yoga has been my unwavering companion, offering solace and strength during life's challenges. Losing my father and experiencing the end of a long-term relationship were significant personal hurdles that led me to seek refuge and healing through yoga.

My yoga journey began in 2000 when I discovered the wonders of Iyengar yoga in Rotterdam. Over the next 15 years, I also started Bikram, with these diverse practices playing a pivotal role in my life. They became pillars of support, guiding me through life's ups and downs, nurturing my well-being, and ultimately leading me to inner peace.

In 2016, I extend a work trip to attend a retreat in Goa at Yogamea. It was here that I forged a deep connection with my teacher, Timea, and felt a profound resonance with the practice of Hatha yoga.

In the years following, my journey wasn't without personal obstacles. I faced a miscarriage, leading to an ongoing battle with severe depression, and even an undetected broken jaw due to stress.

This motivated me to take time out for a transformative experience and I finally went back, as promised, to Timea in June 2019 to complete my 200-hour teacher training in Hatha & Ashtanga yoga.
Since then, I've dedicated myself to sharing the transformative power of yoga with others.

Guiding students toward physical strength, mental balance, and overall well-being brings me immense joy. I've also pursued ongoing personal growth and education, earning certifications in Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga, and a 300-hour Hatha program. Now being RYT 618.

This personal journey of healing and growth has instilled within me a deep dedication to supporting others on their paths to physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In my yoga classes, my aim is to provide students with a high-quality experience that enlightens and uplifts. I create an environment where students can connect with themselves, experience the transformative energy that yoga offers, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

It is my heartfelt mission to guide and empower individuals as they discover their own potential and embrace a balanced and harmonious life.

Together, we can embark on a journey of enlightenment, fueled by the deep and transformative practice of yoga. I look forward to sharing this journey with you, and helping you experience the positive impact that yoga can bring to your life.