Beginners Yoga with Quayle
Tisdag, april 23 • 6:00 fm - 7:00 fm
Megan Welch
Drop in with a grounding practice for the body and mind for this class designed for those new to yoga!

Go slow, with options to modify, to always feel welcome to ask questions.

What does Q’s “Mindful Movement” class entail? (***Come check it out every Tuesday and Thursday, 6am-7am)
-- Paying attention on purpose, with purpose. Anchoring to the breath, acknowledging and releasing any thoughts or emotions that may pass through, returning to the breath.
--- Slow gentle Hatha/Yin fusion yoga poses are held for a few breaths before moving into the next pose, always with the body following the breath.
--- A longer Savasana (Corpse Pose), close to the Practice, with guided meditation for a “Body Scan”, combined with Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques.