Embodiment Keys
Lundi, avril 22 • 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Wisdom Flow Studio - on MAUI, Upstairs
Sean Tebor
Sean is a passionate guide in the dance of conscious embodiment and integrated awareness. Drawing on over 38 years in an ever-evolving journey, his alchemy and integration of functional movement, energy and breath awareness, strength, mobility, and intuitive core-intelligence support practitioners in shifting our baseline towards fully dynamic presence. Sean passionately lifts the human experience in an evolutionary remembrance of our primal purpose - to come fully into Being.   Sean offers group and private classes, personal and group retreats, workshops, trainings, and more.
This class invites us to return to our inherent evolutionary lineage of natural movement and spatial awareness within human geometries, driven by exploration, adaptation, and play. We remember what life feels like - absolutely intra-relational and interconnected. We are complex yet fluid, wild and intelligent - we are, all at once, primal, elemental, supple, and strong.