WORKSHOP Restorative yoga & Yoga Nidra - Veda Ela
Domingo, 26 septiembre • 15:00 - 17:00
Yoga Globe .
This relaxing restorative Restorative yoga session ends with a lovely Yoga Nidra (or yogi "sleep"), where you will be taken on an inner journey by Veda Ela while lying in “savasana” or lying position. Yoga Nidra is not only relaxing and helps you to fall asleep. When used with an intention, it becomes a powerful exercise that can help us change many aspects of our lives.

Register at least 30 minutes in advance and you will receive a zoom link by email 30 minutes in advance. From 5 minutes before start you can access via the link (you are allowed by the host). If you have any questions about zoom in advance, send an email to

Nessecities: yoga mat, pillow(s), bolster or folded duvet (dekbed), blanket(s), 2 blocks or thick books, scarf or eye pillow.

You can follow the workshop live online through Zoom at home (link available for a another week), or you can join us in the Yoga Globe studio with Veda Ela on livestream. Send an e-mail if you would like to join the gathering in the studio (maximum 11 persons).