Event: Winter Solstice Reset ~ afternoon session
Sunday, June 19 • 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Yoga Roots studio, 108 Deep Creek Road, Torbay
Yoga Roots
Marjolein is originally from the Netherlands and now based with her family in Aotearoa. She began her yoga journey in The Netherlands with a classical hatha training and continued following trainings and teaching classes around the world. She have completed Yoga Alliance registered trainings in classical hatha yoga, pre-and postnatal yoga, restorative yoga, yoga nidra and transformational yoga. She is a sincere yoga lover, dedicated mum, travel addict, foodie and nature lover at heart... Passionate about inspiring others to improve their wellbeing and live a joyful life.
An afternoon of melting into your body, reclaiming your energy and deep relaxation.

Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. It is a significant turning point, the rebirth of the sun and return of light. A great time for introspection and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Join Alyse Young and Marjolein van Leeuwen for the Winter Solstice Reset to experience conscious intention of anchoring your energy in your body to increase your light, in and around you.

This Reset Session includes:
Grounding Meditation - feel and sense your energy, your body, your feelings in a safe and simple way
Transformational Yoga - to purify your yogic bodies
Mahatama Energy Activation - replenishing the chakras and glands
Chakra Mantras - to relax, purify and activate
Sound Meditation - for recalibration
Sharing circle and personal energy interpretation.

Investment: $65 limited spaces

Yoga mats and props will be provided.

Info or questions: email marjolein@yogaroots.co.nz