About Yoga with db

The "Yoga with db" mission is very simple...

Feel connected...Simplify your life...Live mindfully and Spoil yourself!...through the practise of seasonal yoga!

What is Seasonal Yoga I hear you ask? It's basically a style of flow yoga designed to align you with the changing energies of nature and the seasons. With a regular practice it improves physical strength and flexibility and brings balance and harmony to your life.

If you are reading this, then there is a very good chance you’re looking to drop in and try out a class!

Whatever you are thinking, it is honestly NEVER too late to start Yoga! Yoga is for everyone and every age! Yoga is so much more than postures! “Yoga is the stilling of the movements of the mind”

My class focuses on combining breathwork (pranayama), postures (asanas) and meditation to bring you back to your mind, body and soul!

Come find out for yourself and join us on an incredible yoga journey through the seasons allowing you to...

Feel connected...Simplify your life...Live mindfully and Spoil yourself!

You deserve it! We all do!

Just breathe and believe.....
D x