Themed Adventure (75min)
Friday, April 26 • 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
6/F, 669 Wenlin Road
Amber Goh
We will deconstruct, deep dive into the fundamentals & techniques of getting into a series of selected peak pose(s), in a safely manner. Let's explore the “ingredients” so that you can continue to enhance your practice at home. Do expect more explanation and demonstrations. It will be a strong practice, with guided experience.
◍ 針對性的探索高峰體式
◍ Amber會以瑜伽練習者的角度分享自己練習高難度體位的經驗
把體式一一解構 以安全的方式進入高峰體式
◍ 把這些元素加入自己日常的練習中 從而提高身體的意識
◍ 適合對瑜伽指令、體式已有一定瞭解的瑜伽練習者- 請期待老師較多的解說及示範